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The Complete Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Blog

All our flyfishing and flytying blog posts by publishing date. Both languages mixed – just read on. Use the menu above to filter the posts into either Norwegian or English. Filtered articles will open in a new window.

Tying BWO Emergers

Tying BWO Emergers

A couple of decades ago, few anglers used emergers. In the recent years the emergent state of the may fly life cycle has caught the attention of most fly fishers. Now they are regarded as the most important imitations by many. Everyone should be tying BWO Emergers 

BWO Blue winged olive

The BWO – the Blue Winged Olive

Next to the midge, the Blue Winged Olives (The Ephemerella Ignita, Aurivilli and Mucronata) are probably the most important bug that fish feed on. No doubt, tying them is part of the fun. Having the right imitation in your box is key to a successful season at the river on those warm summer hatches.

Sparkle Dun

The Comparadun Magic

Doug Swisher and Carl Richards must be one of the most important contributors to modern fly tying and fly fishing. Their practical approach to effective fishing flies changed modern fly fishing.


Spring Baetis Hatch

Mid May 2015: We were all set and ready to go for our 10th trip of the season. With low expectations, I set out as always with high hopes. The weather was unstable. Overcast, but the forecast predicted rising temperatures, no wind and a chance to see the sun in the afternoon. Still a hope, […]


Fly tying season starts

The bitter cold winter is setting in as quickly as spring came this year. Sadly the fly fishing season has ended, but now the fly tying season starts.