Here’s a listing of my step by step fly tying instructions with easy to understand guides to tying effective trout and grayling flies. The list will continue to grow, but please lookup in the fly pattern database for a complete access to all my patterns.

Clear Water Emerger

Clear Water Mayfly Emerger

The Clear Water Mayfly Emerger is a perfect imitation where the stream flows slowly, the water is clear and shallow. It is tied to get as close as possible to the real thing, with few but necessary attractors. Do not be afraid to tie it on a size 10, and not 8 as I do […]

Keeping a fly fishing diary

Do you keep a diary of your days out fly fishing? If not, you should. During off-season the records of the days out is the perfect tool for planning your next trips. The Diary is also an  invaluable tool when you are sitting at the fly tying bench trying to remember last years hatch.

Step-by-Step Detached Body Caddis

Step-by-Step Detached Body Caddis

I am so lucky to experience early Caddis hatches in my waters. Replacing the hatching stoneflies, the first bugs start appearing in early June. There is basically to versions I need to tie. One light, white winged in size 14, and one dark gray with gray wings. Also in size 14.

Tying Baetis Nymph

Tying Baetis Nymph Step by Step

This Step-by-Step guide helps you tie a basic but very effective Baetis Nymph. The fly is really very basic and a known pattern that anyone should have in their fly box. The pattern can be adapted to any swimming nymph, which is pretty much all the BWOs. This is an imitation of the Baetis Rohdani – the […]